Announcement : 

We welcome new enrolments at any time of the year. Call in today and speak to our friendly team. 


At present the school roll is very close to the maximum allowed by the Education Department. When the roll reaches the threshold we will be forced to impliment our school zoning policy. When that happens the School Zone will be limited to the detailed areas allowed and people living outside the zone will be turned away. This will not effect those who are already enroled but will mean any new enrolments outside the area will be not accepted. There are a limited number of exceptions/exemptions to the scheme.

There is a lot more detail available at the school office and if you have specific concerns about this issue contact the school office to make further enquiries. The full enrolment scheme is detailed in the two attached PDF documents listed belowwhich you could download and print off if you wish.

In broad terms our area includes Charleston, Capefoulwind, Most of Carters beach and the roads between there and Westport. All of westport south of Brougham Street and west of and including Eastons Road to the Buller River. There are some exceptions around the edges so it would pay to check if you live on or near the boarders somewhere.


Download: school zone.pdf

Download: Map of Enrolment Zone.pdf


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